How Jews Became Germans: The History of Conversion and Assimilation in Berlin
- English edition
- Hardcover: November 2007 (Yale University Press)
- Paperback: January 2009 (Yale University Press)
- Presentation Video
- Book Reviews
Wie Juden Deutsch Wurden: Die Welt jüdischer Konvertiten vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhudert
- German edition
- Translated by Thomas Bertrand
- Paperback: August 2010 (Campus Verlag)
Additional Review
Hertz, fully appreciating the import of individual accounts, generalizes cautiously and rationally...” —Peter Gay, Moment Magazine Full Review »
Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin
- English edition
- Hardcover: 1988 (Yale University Press)
- Paperback: 2005 (Syracuse University Press), with preface summarizing new research in the field
- Book Reviews
Die jüdische Salons im alten Berlin
- German edition
- Hardcover: 1991 (Anton Hain)
- Paperback: 2018 (Europäische Verlagsanstalt), 1988 (Philo Verlag), 1995 (Deutsche Taschenbuch Verlag)
- A total of 10,000 copies of the book have been sold in Germany.
Additional Reviews
...the astonishing thing about this highly professional monograph is that no one has done it before.” —Peter Gay, London Review of Books Full Review »
Deborah Hertz, an American historian, has explored in the most exhaustive social history of the Berlin salons, how [the salon episode] appeared and why it ended so suddenly.” —Von Krüger, Karl Heinz, Der Spiegel Full Review »
A definitive examination of upper-class Jews in Berlin during the latter half of the 1700s and the first half of the 1800s. Focusing especially upon the salons and those who attended them. Jewish High Society in the Old Regime Berlin draws upon statistics, anecdotes, historical references, and biographies, and is illustrated with occasional black-and-white diagrams or photographs. Evenhandedly examining the lives of both men and women, [the book] is smoothly written and highly readable to historians and lay people alike.” —Bookwatch
[Hertz’s] social history of the Jewish salons in old Berlin is an exhaustive book, and it is even more: it is a consummate book.” —Dieter David Scholz, Frankfurter Rundschau
With exhaustive background knowledge and explanatory illustrations, Deborah Hertz shows how an all-too-fleeting hour of stardom for women appeared in the shadows of political upheavals.” —Michaela Kirchner, Darmstädter Echo